The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80516   Message #1471800
Posted By: Frankham
26-Apr-05 - 07:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: More on left-wing Anti-Semitism
Subject: RE: BS: More on left-wing Anti-Semitism
Here's the analogy. There are plenty of Right-wing Americans who accuse other Americans as being anti-American. The same is happens in Israel. Some Israelis call others anti-Israeli. There is not a lock-step uniform position on what is pro-Israeli or anti-Israeli, pro-semite or anti-semite. As a matter of fact, there is the old get two Jews in the same room and you will have twelve different opinions. :)

Israel is made
up of many thinking people who often have differning views
with each other....just like Americans.

What some call anti-American others call pro-American and the same case can be made for Israel. This said, there are Israelis who do not agree with the political leadership and policies of the Israeli government and the same can be said for America. The danger here is a kind of McCarthyism that uses rhetoric such as pro and anti for a political agenda and power struggle.
