The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80516   Message #1471872
Posted By: robomatic
26-Apr-05 - 08:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: More on left-wing Anti-Semitism
Subject: RE: BS: More on left-wing Anti-Semitism
While I think MG has given new meaning to the word "Jew baiting" (It used to be the Jew who got baited not the other way around), and while I am reluctant to put together Leftist with Anti-semitic, there is *something* to it IMHO. My experience was a couple years ago when I was working in the Bay Area and I saw a lot of anti-Israel bumper stickers (Israel out of Palestine, etc.). In (the People's Republic of) Berkeley I was crossing the street on a lovely day when a volvo fair festooned with such stickers and banners went by. As he passed by I hollered into his open window something like: "Up with Israel! Fight the Arab Power!" The driver began hollering back and the first thing he said was "I'm Jewish but........" and in order to stay out of traffic I could not linger to hear the rest. Berkeley is the home of Pacifica Radio from which I recall hearing someone define poverty as "violence against the poor".
That and the items which aroused the George Will essay do point to the fact that one 'can' be anti-Zionist and leftist (and Jewish anti-Zionist leftist). And while I have a visceral objection to such folk, it does not make them self-hating Jews (It just makes them idiots).

But the entire spectrum of American liberalism is also broadly pro-Zionist. Leave us not forget that Robert Kennedy was assassinated for his pro-Israel position.

I would venture to estimate that for every anti-Zionist lefty you can find at least one anti-Zionist righty, Patrick Buchanon comes to mind. I have seen the Neo Cons linked with Israel, and although I'm no New-Con expert, the top men in that movement seem to be Jewish. Now whether they were isolated out as Neo-Cons beCAUSE they are Jewish would be a point to consider, but frankly I'm not interested enough in NeoCons to care. God Bless America.

I used to have more respect for Mr. Will, but during the second Clintion administration he began to lose his sense of humour and develop an incipient rant. As for the article by Mr. Will cited here, I agree with it. There is an Italian journalist who said much the same thing at the same time, Orianna Fallaci. I think she was more outspoken than Mr. Will.

I've never been fond of left-wing right-wing labeling because it obscures rather than enlightens. Liberalism and Conservatism are necessary in order to make necessary adaptations to our society without jettisoning the good stuff. It is an eternal discussion. But Communism is not socialism is not liberalism, just as Nazism is not fascism is not conservatism.

And ironically enough, early Zionism is linked with reason to socialism, lest we forget the heavy Jewish involvement with international unionism and the kibbutzniks.