The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80609   Message #1472494
Posted By: Richard Bridge
27-Apr-05 - 12:50 PM
Thread Name: Chord Req: Miner's Lifeguard
Subject: Chords Add: MINER'S LIFEGUARD
The first verse starts on the beat before the bar. Some other lines do it too. I have indicated this with a /

Working in C (the key of the dots I have) (hell it's about low but you can capo or transpose) I would suggest as follows.

Line 4, and line 3 of chorus, following the dots the chord would change before the start of the line, but I think it sounds better where I put it.

There are a few bits where I think it sounds good to flip in a spare G before going back to the C and I've put a Hash # in there

(C)A/ (C)Miner's life is like a sailor's
'Board a (F)ship to cross the (C)wave;
Every day his life's in danger,
Still he (G)ventures being brave.
Watch the/ (C)rocks, they're falling daily,
Careless (F)miners always (C)fail;
Keep #your hands upon the #dollar
And #your eyes up(G)on the (C)scale(s).

(C)Union (F)miners, stand togeth(C)er,
Heed no operator's (G)tale;
Keep your (C)hands upon #the dollar
And #your eyes up(G)on the (C)scale(s).