The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80691   Message #1472505
Posted By: Susu's Hubby
27-Apr-05 - 01:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: The news is getting better and better!
Subject: BS: The news is getting better and better!
Once again, our liberal friends have gotten some bad news and this time, it's even from a liberal source such as the LA Times. You know, the good thing about the internet is that these liberal media outlets can no longer hide what they consider to be bad news on page 6 below the fold. You can read the story from the link below.

It seems as if the number of uninsured Americans has been underestimated. Now it seems, at most, only thirty-six million Americans are currently not covered by insurance instead of the forty-five million that the left has been consistently quoting over the past two to three years. With the number of uninsured going down and the number of unemployment job claims going down then what bandwagon will the left jump on next? It seems as if things are actually starting to look up, afterall.

It seems as if the Tom Delay fiasco is slowly fading away with the learning that he is only 28th on the list of people that have possibly accepted trips paid for by lobbyists. Above him are many democrats including Nancy Pelosi that have accepted more. I'm personally for getting rid of everybody from Delay on up the list if the lefties are so inclined. But this would seem to do nothing but stall the forward momentum of the government.
So if this is the best that you've got then Conservatism as the accepted form of US government seems to be the way of the future.

Updated numbers on Insured Americans?
