The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80691   Message #1472530
Posted By: PoppaGator
27-Apr-05 - 01:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: The news is getting better and better!
Subject: RE: BS: The news is getting better and better!
It's buried at the very bottom of the article, but it is clearly stated that economists and experts from both ends of the political spectrum agree that the number of uninsured ~ whatever the exact count ~ is increasing because, as is obvious to everyone, employment-based health benefits are being reduced across the board by large and small employers.

In other words, the actual number of uninsured is not decreasing; we may be getting more accurate numbers now, which may indeed be lower than previously reported, but things are not "getting better and better" ~ not hardly! While the numbers may indeed have been overreported in the recent past, and are now being corrected downward, there is still a large number ~ and, more significantly, an increasing number ~ of uninsured Americans.

Contrary to Adam Smith and the neoconservative movement, profit-driven private enterprise is not necessarily the ideal medium for progress in every field, and it should be obvious that public health is one area where the public sector could be more effective than the corporations.

The extremely complicated and wasteful current procedures for administering corporate medical claims, contrary to right-wing anti-government-bureaucracy dogma, create greater inefficiency than would a "socialistic" single payer system (like the rest of the industrialized world uses). The private sector creates bureaucracy too! Of course, the current labyrinth of private insurers, each with its own system of codes and categories, etc. has created a huge number of good white-collar jobs that would disappear if and when the process gets streamlined and all that private-sector paperwork gets eliminated. But, of course, the newly-unemployed "medical coders" and other pencil pushers would at least have public health coverage while searching for new employment.