The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80645   Message #1472803
Posted By: Burke
27-Apr-05 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: Why folk don't sing
Subject: RE: Why folk don't sing
Skipy, the point is, that in cultures where there is a lot of singing there are very few who cannot sing. This is because as children they get a lot more practice with pitch matching. Instead of being told to be quiet & not sing some adult may work with them & help them learn. Young men get help over the adolescent voice change.

If you really cannot sing, it is hard to learn as an adult. Like anything if you really want to, you probably can with help. (This is not to say you should. You might not have the motivation, time, energy, etc. to do it now.) Look at how many of the earlier messages are from people who thought they could not sing & have discovered otherwise.