The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80691   Message #1472842
Posted By: PoppaGator
27-Apr-05 - 07:13 PM
Thread Name: BS: The news is getting better and better!
Subject: RE: BS: The news is getting better and better!
"Job creation" may not always be a good thing (except of course for those who fill the jobs that are created).

Does the proliferation of work required to decipher and complete tons of redundant medical-payment paperwork really benefit society as a whole? More than half of every dollar spent on "health care" goes not to medical practitioners and medical support personnel, but to cover the expense of all the paperwork our chaotic current system requires.

While huge numbers of moderately-well-paid (and adequately insured) drones are spinning their wheels to operate our many bureaucracies (both governmental and private-sector), large numbers of other human beings are doing without ~ without health care, without adequate income, etc., etc. Somehow, it seems to me, a society where more people were engaged in productive real-world activities, rather than manipulating needlessly complicated paperwork, would be a society better able to provide meaningful work and adequate earnings to all its members.

I agree with much of the "conservative" party line that opposes governmental red tape, but strongly disagree that private business is always automatically free of the same kind of wastefulness, and I also disagree with the right-wing dogma that all public-sector activities are ipso facto inefficient. In fact, the US government provides the most efficient use of dollars for health care; more cents of every dollar spent by Medicare/Medicaid goes to medical providers (and less to "administration") than monies dispersed by any other payment method ~ including, oddly enough, cash!