The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80645   Message #1473088
Posted By: black walnut
28-Apr-05 - 08:56 AM
Thread Name: Why folk don't sing
Subject: RE: Why folk don't sing
Folk don't sing because they hear "perfection" on CDs and radio and television everywhere they turn. They don't have enough empty space in their lives to make them crave to fill it with their own soul's music.

I taught early childhood music for 15 years. In most of my classes the children were young enough to need a grownup (parent or caregiver) to come with them. I knew that if I could grab the attention of the grownup and help them to feel free to sing and dance, the children would be caught up in the energy, and everyone would be singing. It worked. Parents and nannies who never thought they could sing started to sing and dance with their children in class and at home. Often the 'other' parent, the one that was working and couldn't come to class, would catch on too...the domino effect.

Music is a social beast. The more it happens in a group, the more it will enrich the individual. I don't know if that makes any sense, but you can quote it if you like. :-)
