The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #14088 Message #1473171
Posted By: GUEST,Alex
28-Apr-05 - 10:29 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Peat Bog Soldiers
Subject: RE: Help: Peat Bog Soldiers
I have just returned from the 60th anniversary commemoration of the liberation of Buchenwald being a relative of an inmate who died there. Among the many events organised was a concert given by the local childrens' choir in Nordhausen. In the audience were survivors of Buchenwald, Dora , Erlich and Bergen Belsen from Poland, USSR as was, Hungary, Belgium and France. When the children started singing the Moorsoldaten, the survivors at once rose to their feet, soon followed by the rest of the audience. The survivors joined in the singing, hands on hearts. It was an extraordinary moment. It is important that the significance of that song to the camp inmates lives on.