The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16061   Message #147456
Posted By: bseed(charleskratz)
10-Dec-99 - 03:13 AM
Thread Name: Seed still higher'n a kite
Subject: Seed still higher'n a kite
I'm just back from Quinn's Lighthouse where I spent a couple of hours in the middle of the Starboard Watch--or rather in the middle of the back row: Skip Henderson was in front of me, WintersWages to my left, etc. It was a total blast. El Swanno was sitting at a table right in front of us taking pictures of us--using my camera: he shot four rolls. I had my bandolier of monicas stuffed with six: C, G, D, A diatonics, G and A Melody Makers, an E melody maker in one pocket and an F diatonic and an A minor/Eminor in the other pocket, and I used almost all of them. I played backup and ornamentation, several group breaks, and a couple of individual breaks: one on a bluesy song about the Titanic sung by the banjo player, Jimmy, and another on "Jack Was Every Inch a Sailor." I also played some dueling melody stuff with Ruup, the piper. There's an Ozzie singer name of Charlie who's been there the last two weeks--in the audience, but joining the band to sing a song. He did a creepy one about escapees from a prison colony who because of starvation kill and eat whoever is weakest among them, a tale told by the only survivor. It was in E minor--and I managed to improvise an accompaniment that was a gas for me and not too objectionable to Charlie.

All in all, I doubt if I have ever felt so much alive for such an extended period, and all without chemical assistance--except for some of the Black Vile Stuff and a bit of Light Ale. (two of the latter tonight, similarly moderate quantities at Dave's and at the Starry Plough).


Either the band members are exceptionally tolerant and circumspect or I acquitted myself reasonably well. I got a few unsolicited compliments from members of the audience. I'm going to take the three rolls of film that Dave shot to Costco for one hour processing tomorrow and put together a package of images to ship off to bbc, along with pix from Dave and Pam's song circle.