The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80691   Message #1474623
Posted By: CarolC
29-Apr-05 - 07:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: The news is getting better and better!
Subject: RE: BS: The news is getting better and better!
But someone still has to do those jobs that enable the rest of us to buy stuff cheaply (or even affordably). If everyone said, "nope... I'm not going to do that job", there would be no way to buy stuff at cheap or even possibly affordable prices. So if nobody was willing to do those jobs, you would end up paying for it.

And you're paying for it right now, even though many people don't realize it. You are paying the emergency room costs of the people who aren't able to get adequate medical care that would keep them out of the emergency rooms. A few dollars up front (for a national health insurance plan... not necessarily national health care) would ensure that everyone who needed blood pressure medicine, or diabetes medicine, or asthma medicine, or any number of other important forms of health maintenence care, would not get so sick that they would end up in a very expensive life or death emergency room situation that the rest of us end up paying a lot more for in the long run anyway than we would be paying for a national insurance plan.

Like I said... the way we do it now is penny wise and pound foolish.