The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80733   Message #1474989
Posted By: John M.
30-Apr-05 - 11:25 AM
Thread Name: Objection to Bawdy Song Titles in Forum Menu
Subject: RE: Objection to JohnMehlberger

What we have is a conflict of traditions. 

One of the traditions is, when one wants to post a new song to digital tradition, one uses the form to post the song title and a example text of the song.  See here:  Google search of MudCat "Lyr Add" threads  

The other tradition is that -- for filter reasons and for not offending other people sensibilities -- is the tradition of dash expurgating words:  "fuck" becomes "f---", "nigger" becomes "n-----"

As others have said, "Motherfucker" and "Motherf----er" are not the same to either the computer filters or to most humans.  I could not follow the first tradition and follow the second tradition.   I chose the song title as it would give me an opportunity to *talk* with people who still actively know and sing this song.

Yes, I knew I would be offending people if I posted the unexpurgated title of the song and I knew from a previous song thread 'Eat, Bite, Fuck, Suck' that people would be posting their objections to the unexpurgated song title to the thread itself and causing the "offending" words to be at the top of the forum. Since I did not want any posts to 'The Motherfucker's Ball' that are NOT relevant to the song and I didn't want to unnecessarily have the "offending" word at the top of the forum, I came up with the solution of starting two threads "The Motherfucker's Ball" and "Objections to The Motherf---er's Ball". 

If I was a "shit disturber" as some have said, I would have had only one unexpurgated thread which I kept "refreshing" by responding to the objections.    If I was a "troll", I could have kept this going for days.  Sorry I don't enjoy the controversy around the song or the song's title.  I even called Dick to apologize for causing him and Joe problems.

Joe & Dick have come up with the "pg13" filtered forum list proposal which should allow for the posting of song titles and not offend anyone who wants to filter or is being filtered at work.   This sounds like a great idea and I will be just to place the pg13 preface to objectionable thread titles.

Joe, do you have a list of words which should be pg13?   Is this designation for just the titles or to be used for the content of the song also (see Uncle Bud)?   Joe is the pg13 filtered list to be the DEFAULT for the forum or will those who want to have (or need) filtering have to click a special link?