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Thread #80733   Message #1475118
Posted By: Joe Offer
30-Apr-05 - 02:42 PM
Thread Name: Objection to Bawdy Song Titles in Forum Menu
Subject: RE: Objection to JohnMehlberger
I can't say I really understand that. The Home Page of Mudcat is (the Forum Menu is That Mudcat Home Page is a stable page that does not contain any so-called "profanity." It seems to me that if we put a Filter on that page and you filter out the "pg13" threads, you should be able to access the Forum Menu. If your profanity filter blocks access to THAT page, then I guess we'd have to censor out profanity from the entire site to get past your filter - and we don't want to engage in that sort of censorship.

Shouldn't you should be able to go to the page or the, and access the filter through the FAQ link? If you have problems with a profanity filter, then it seems that the FAQ would be the likely place to resolve your problem.

Those of you with profanity filters, I'd like you to give this a test. Yes, I'm sure there will be filters that will still block Mudcat access - but if that's the case, I don't think a Forum Menu Code of Decency is going to solve the problem. You need to complain to your network administrator and get the profanity filter to lighten up.

-Joe Offer-

Another solution might be to go to this page (click). Either save the URL, or save the entire page on your computer.

I still think our librarian needs some work on reading comprehension. If you will look back on my reference in a previous message to "vagina," you will see that I said I tried to deal with the thread title to try to satisfy the objections of people who were offended by use of the term "vagina voters" in a thread title. My first attempt brought out angry cries of "censorship" from other Mudcatters. My final solution was to put "vagina voters" in quotes, and that seemed to settle things down. My POINT was that I didn't want to get stuck in the middle of some petty censorship argument again - not that "vagina" was going to provoke the profanity filter software (even if many filters gag on "breast.")

I'm still looking for a workable list of words that the profanity filters look for. We're never going to be able to outsmart every filter, but maybe we can tag the major objectionable words. I'm also looking for a term that's better than "pg13," something that isn't tied to the movie industry. Maybe "bawdy" would be better, but it doesn't seem quite right, either.
Jeff is working on ideas for a more elegant solution to this issue, and I may come up with changes before he gets his thing done. In the meantime, you have the pg13 filter on this page (click).