The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80687   Message #1475174
Posted By: Ron Davies
30-Apr-05 - 03:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: John Bolton, Raging Un-Diplomat
Subject: RE: BS: John Bolton, Raging Un-Diplomat
1)   As I pointed out back in spring 2004, the UN pulled Bush's chestnuts out of the fire in Iraq, by acting as an honest broker between the various factions--thus making it possible to put an Iraqi face on the opposition to the insurgency. This, more than anything else, made it possible for the US to avoid the Vietnam syndrome predicted by many Mudcatters--and removed the main danger facing Bush's campaign.

.Dougie--you ought to be cheering every time the UN's name is mentioned.

2) Re: the Bolton situation:

Garrison Keillor is very uneven, but his show last week scored several hits. Not only did he have some great music (Alastair Fraser and Ally McBean (sp?), but also a real good skit.

Rene Fleming (Renata Flambee for these purposes) had been asked to be Bush's new UN ambassador, in light of the Bolton problems. It didn't matter that her dragon Fafnir had eaten her tax return. Bush told her he could take care of this and her other problems with undocumented aliens working for her (including her accountant, the dwarf (Gollum? or was that Lord of the Rings?)

Bush thought she'd be perfect for the ambassador post, with a diva's usual diplomatic skills, especially since she spoke French. After all, as he told her, all she'd have to tell the French anyway was "There is only one superpower in the world, and we don't eat frog legs".