The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66248   Message #1475363
Posted By: GUEST,Yer MaNy-monikered ComMatriotista
30-Apr-05 - 09:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should I be flattered?
Subject: RE: BS: Should I be flattered?
My god Lepus, harpgirl has truly gone down hill! I rarely encounter her anymore though. What rock does she keep crawling out from underneath these days?

The real irony is, when she first started going after the two of us (on her good days, she apparently thinks we are one and the same, but on her bad days, she believes we have morphed into the many phantoms haunting her days here), she claimed to be a psychologist or social worker, wasn't it? What I can't figure out is why she hasn't yet accused Rustic of being Martin Gibson yet, seeing as she too is from MN.

Sad and pathetic, like so many of the other MC members who are obsessed with "exposing" us unidentifiable MN posters. Why, just today brucie threateningly told me I "wouldn't remain nameless for long".

Apparently Georgiansilver, you haven't been around these parts for very long.