The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80780   Message #1475434
Posted By: GUEST,.gargoyle
30-Apr-05 - 11:30 PM
Thread Name: Objections to Joe Offer
Subject: RE: Objections to Joe Offer
If it were not for the interventions of Mr. Joe Offer and the kind benevolent prescence of Mr. Dick Greenhouse....

Mr. MAX would have flushed my prescence with the twist of wrist.

(Well Mr. Max tried a couple of times - but I stuck like a triple-flushing-turd to the toilet-bowl.

Thank You ALL

While I miss some old friends I offended (Mr. Seed etc) - in the old-Darwinian-days - you fought hard for a piece of turf....and the board, with its laize-faire approach was leaning towards counter-religions.

Mr. Shambles - if you read this post....stop complaining and START researching - post positive song threads....make additions....record what you find in local yard-sales......DRIVE THE HEATHENS from these shores of folk/blues traditions.


Inch by inch...over the past four years the umbelical-imbiciles have retreated into their ice-landic woes.