The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79848   Message #1477742
Posted By: ejsant
04-May-05 - 07:40 AM
Thread Name: American Canal Builder's Songs
Subject: RE: American Canal Builder's Songs
Greetings George,

I received your CD "Oh! That Low Bridge". Wow! It is brilliant, thank you so much.

Greetings Bruce,

It seems a little odd to me to be thanked for having gained so much from my enquiry but I am truly glad this thread has offered you so much. I believe the real thanks should go to the folks that have contributed all this great information.

Greetings Dave,

I received my copy of Ellen Stekert's "Songs of a New York Lumberjack". Boy does that bring me back a number of years to the camp out sing songs as a kid. I don't specifically recall any of the songs on the tape but definitely some aspects of their stories. Another time and place for me to be sure.

Greetings All,

Once again I wish to express my deepest gratitude to all that have offered direction to me in my quest to better understand the life of my forefathers here in the US through their songs and tales. Your unselfish sharing of your knowledge is inspiring. My only hope is that I too can offer to another that which has been given to me here.
