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Thread #80716   Message #1477966
Posted By: JedMarum
04-May-05 - 12:39 PM
Thread Name: Vietnam war demos by soldiers DOCU
Subject: RE: Vietnam war demos by soldiers DOCU
The "civil liberties" stuff you talk about is pure sh*t - but being you live in another, I guess you couldn't see the truth first hand.

The professional military men and women we have today are very seriously behind the efforts in the war zones of the Middle East. They purposely, consciously and deliberately joined a military sworn to fight the battles their country sent them to. If there are some who would not have chosen this war, (and there are a very few) they believe it is still their honorable duty to fight it as well as they can. You have to understand that most very seriously believe in and support this war effort. So a resistance from within, while possible - is extremely unlikely. I regularly play for Military folks - three or four shows each month are for Military audiences. They are very proud of the progress they've made in Iraq, and surprised and often angry about the talk of "quagmire" in the press - that they hear when they come home. I have heard this from many many soldiers over the last year. I have not heard one say they do not support the war.

As for the anti-war feellings among the military during Vietnam ... what you descibe is certainly exaggerated. I did not support that war, in that time - but I know many of my friends who served and did support it, during their time there ... some stopped supporting after they got home. Some became angry over Americans turning against the war.