The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80902   Message #1478371
Posted By: GUEST,Office of the Space-Time Continuum Police
04-May-05 - 08:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat MOAB Mother's Day Tavern
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat MOAB Mother's Day Tavern
To whom it may concern:

It has been called to our attention that the establishment known as the "Mudcat MOAB Mother's Day Tavern" is in violation of numerous laws governing the Space-Time Continuum. The noted violations are as follows:

1) Unauthorized use of timewarps to serve blueberries from the 2007 crop of one "Bee-dubya-ell".

2) Unauthorized use of spatial folding, stapling and mutilating apparatus so as to have the establishment's various doors open onto exotic locations. The only locations onto which the Mudcat MOAB Mother's Day Tavern's doors are authorized to open are Indianapolis, Toledo (Ohio, not Spain) Detroit and Newark.

3) Failure to have a jello pit on the premises as required by Article 73, Subsection 2376A.

4) Having a band of middle-aged men dressed only in spats and tophats play "Happy Birthday" at extremely loud volume on various Strats and Les Pauls while using every cheesey electric guitar effect ever conceived.*

*What? You say you haven't seen any nearly nude guitar-slingers wearing tophats and spats? Hah! Just wait!


To whom it may concern: We the undersigned do hereby authorize and condone all sub-space and space-time continium, para-universal and multi-temporal aspects of the psuedo-location known in commonality as the "MudCat Tavern" in this current, its prior and any possible future incarnations.


OZMANDIUS - Ruler of the Universe
The Galactic Overlord
The Shambles
Mrs. Oscar Gordon (aka the Empress of the Known Universes)
Zues et al
The Time Lords (including but not limited to) Dr. Who, Dr. Who, Dr. Who, Dr. Who, Dr. Who, Dr. Who, Dr. Who, Dr. Who, Dr. Who