The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80620   Message #1478425
Posted By: Ron Davies
04-May-05 - 10:02 PM
Thread Name: BS: the Anti-Semitism of the Intellectuals
Subject: RE: BS: the Anti-Semitism of the Intellectuals
Courageous "Martin"---

Gee "Martin"--they actually made you work today?   Watch out--could be the start of a trend. Too bad. Couldn't post til after 4? Pobre cito-- (ask a Hispanic friend--do you have any?)--for a translation.

I'm sure you would have no problem living with a severely manic depressive. Birds of a feather.................By the way, what was the reason for your medical discharge from the military?

You still haven't learned the difference between criticizing your unparalleled wisdom and anti-Semitism. Please ask somebody to explain it to you--in short words so you have a chance of understanding it.

It might interest you to know that from my reading, the boycott of 2 Israeli universities by a British academic group appears unjustified (as well as senseless). But I hazard a guess that you won't be interested in the facts so I won't waste my time trying to explain to you.
As they say, it wastes your time and annoys the pig.

Very interesting that you don't deny the "persecution complex" observation. As I said, neither Bobert nor I are in every shadow---you don't have to be afraid.

As has been agonizingly explained by many other posters earlier--do you ever read anything but your own gems?--Jews themselves differ on the wisdom of Israel's current policies, and disagreeing with the current regime on some of those policies has nothing to do with anti-Semitism. As far as I know, even in Israel so far there has been no law passed that everybody has to march in lockstep with "Martin Gibson".

"I ssure (sic) you everything will not be allright (sic) until you admit what is so "revealing" about you"--Wow, "Martin"--you're an oracle--you speak in riddles. Either that or you barely have a passing acquaintance with the language.

I wonder which it is.

Congratulations on staying out of the gutter lately (til very recently). I can tell you're homesick, though.

Oh, yes, and congratulations on spelling "pseudo" right and even "apparently". I was so proud of you.

Now don't forget about the thorazine--or whatever else you take.

Looking forward to more of your well-reasoned discourse and sparkling wit.