The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80780   Message #1478628
Posted By: George Papavgeris
05-May-05 - 06:32 AM
Thread Name: Objections to Joe Offer
Subject: RE: Objections to Joe Offer
Monty Python: "This is getting silly...". We have a number of threads (at least 5) at the moment which deal with the same complaints essentially - though some of those threads were started for different reasons. Worst example is the "Bawdy titles" thread, which is now diverted to discuss the length of titles ordinary posters can use versus the equivalent that the editorial team are allowed.

This is getting detrimental to Mudcat, its main function and purpose. I suggest therefore that we consolidate all complaints about the running of Mudcat into a single permathread, which can be used by those who wish to discuss something there, or ignored by those who do not; leaving thus the remainder of the index free for more pertinent (or in the case of the BS section more "impertinent"?) matters.

The permathread could have capital letters, so it would be easy to spot. Something like MUDCAT COMPLAINTS BOX. Any new complaints threads would be consolidated into it, with out the approval of the originators being necessary. Just a matter of sweeping up all complaints into a single area.

That way Max (and anyone else) would have a single place to look for any complaints or suggestions about the running of Mudcat, instead of them being strewn all over the forum.

Roger, you could start it off, and I am sure Joe would turn it into a Permathread for you, with yourself having sole editorial control - nobody else. I am suggesting you for two reasons: a) You have brought out the biggest number of complaints, which to date have mostly not been satisfied, and b)you clearly have an interest (more so than the majority) in improving the forum and ridding it of inadequacies and inequalities.

You could start it off, Roger, with a summary of the complaints to date - as Gervase suggested -, preferably without undue copying and pasting to make points, but rather using your own words to explain each issue, clearly and succinctly.

Over and out, Roger (did I just cross metaphors?) *smile*