The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80974   Message #1479746
Posted By: Bobert
06-May-05 - 08:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Now 45,000,002 Uninsured....
Subject: BS: Now 45,000,002 Uninsured....
Well, well, well....

Ain't this somethin'?.... After giving Anthem Health Insurance Company close to $60,000 over the last ten years, after the P-Vine seeing her doctor about possibly IBS (Irritable Bowl Symdrome) or something else, Anthem has cancelled out policy...

I wish I'd just taken that $60,000 and put it into medical savings account now 'caude over that same ten year period we might have gotten $5000 ro $6000 back in perscription drugs and a few office visits and tests....

No matter, they are some $55,000 to the good and me and my wife are 45,000.001 and 45,000,002 respectively...

Welcome to George Bush's America where everything is about that 1% of the greedy rich folks who own everything and want to own more...

Anyone out there know where a couple self employed folks can get health insurance that ain't gonna screw over us again???

Thouroughly pissed off tonight...
