The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80974   Message #1479757
Posted By: Bobert
06-May-05 - 09:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: Now 45,000,002 Uninsured....
Subject: RE: BS: Now 45,000,002 Uninsured....
Yeah, they say we can appeal.... ahhhhh, to them!!!!??????......

Like askin' a bully to stop beatin' on ya'.......
No, this is not illegal... Health insursance companies can canceel you if they sniff that they might have to pay out claims... Looks like the P-Vine's situation with her innards set off a red light and now we are cancelled because, how dare her, she got sick...

Lie I said, welcome to George Bush's Amerika...

I am lividly piseed off tonight... Now since we have been cancelled I don't think anyone will pick us up and if so won't cover anything having to do with the P-Vine's condition meaning that, after, 40 years by playin' by the rules and paying into Boss Hog's Health insurance comapnaies, we are screwed...

Like I said, it's perfectly legal and now we are gonna get a unhealthy dose of what some of the Bushite's 'tound this joint regfer to "personal responsibility" which means that should something be seriously wrong with my wife, we'll most likely loose a life time's worth of work and playing by the rules, so that the Martin Gibsons can pump out their chest and talk about "personal resonsibility"...

Yeah, hope they get big ol' jollies out of it...

Screw Bush's Amerika...
