The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28655 Message #1480160
Posted By: Joe Offer
07-May-05 - 03:34 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Swinging on the Outhouse Door
Subject: RE: outhouse door lyrics
Nice talking with you, John. I'd sure like to identify the tune for this tag. I'd guess it was a tune for tag used in vaudeville shows - with different lyrics.
I learned the tag in southeastern Wisconsin, probably at camp - but I can't remember if it was the Boy Scout camp I attended or the Catholic boys' camp where I worked. The Catholics paid better, so I turned down the opportunity to work at Boy Scout Camp. Too bad - I'm sure I would have finished those two merit badges and made Eagle Scout if I had accepted the Boy Scout job.
But anyhow, I don't recall the tag being connected to any particular song or occasion - if there was a lull, somebody might throw this in. By the end of the first line, everybody would join in.