The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #76073   Message #1480439
Posted By: Lizzie in beautiful Sidmouth
08-May-05 - 06:29 AM
Thread Name: Who is not going to Sidmouth 2005
Subject: RE: Who is not going to Sidmouth 2005
Woops! Sorry.....lost my name there as I've come in through 'the back door' today, so have appeared as a 'guest' above. However have come in through the right way now! my post again, there is nothing 'frivolous' in it, just good wishes to you and a hope that everything sorts itself out.

I never once mentioned anything over on Radio 2, you did. I merely referred to someone coming over to Longdogs and being unnecessarily insulting. That was all. No subject. You can be check it back if you don't remember.

I never once mentioned anything on Longdogs, you did. For some odd reason you chose to do this in 'Live Chat' amongst a lot of kind people who didn't know what was happening, myself included. You received nothing but kindness from them and from me.

I brought it up here to wish you well, try to sort it out, put things in perspective and to finally say 'enough is enough'. I would have thought that messageboards were the last place you wanted to be at a time like this, particularly when you put down such stinging words about people. It does not become you at all. But if that's what makes you be it.

I do not know you.....I do not want to know you I'm afraid and it is of no importance to me whatsoever if you reply or not....honestly.

However, the one thing that does now mean something to me, which it did not at the time, was when in a PM to me on Longdogs, you mentioned to me that you had once got into a messageboard argument with someone which became very nasty. I thought at the time that you meant you had been the victim....but now I'm afraid I have changed my view, as you have launched into me for no reason whatsoever.

This is my final word on the subject as I'm sure everyone is fair fed up with it all. Thank you.

And now folks....back to Sidmouth and 'Who is not Coming?'...although I think a new thread entitled 'Who IS coming to Sidmouth?' would be more appropriate now.
