The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81008   Message #1480574
Posted By: Alba
09-May-05 - 09:06 AM
Thread Name: BS: Katlaughing- Surgery Tomorrow and....
Subject: BS: Katlaughing-Surgery Tuesday morning and....
Kat needs all the Good Wishes, Thoughts and Energy you can muster Folks.

Hi Everyone,

As some of you know Kat has been ill for some months now.

So after being tested, prodded, poked and generally looked at from every angle.
The Dream Team (Kat's name for her Cardiologist and Crew) have decided that Kat's Heart is not in such good shape and requires a replacement of the Aortic Valve.
So tomorrow 5-10-05 at 08.00 am (Mountain time) the Surgery will begin and should be finished by Noon. The Dream team estimate that Kat will be in the Hospital for about 1 week after the Surgery.

I have NO DOUBTS that all will go well and Kat, when recovered, will feel the SO much better...better than she has for quite some time.

This hasn't been an easy few Months for Kat. It is one thing to feel ill and not really know why (due to poor diagnosis over the Years) but quite another to be told just how ill you actually are by a good Physician. Then to find out what needs to be done to make you well again. Kat being Kat has faced this Life Road Trip with a determination and strength of Spirit that only the Kat we know could do:>) I am very proud of her.            

So I am sending my dear Friend all the positive energy I can summon and will be holding her in the Light on this, perhaps the biggest lap on her Road to "Wellville"

She asked me if I would hold this post till the day before her Surgery as she has been working very hard on preparing for tomorrow and felt that it was best to remain as calm as possible leading up to the "Big Day" . She also has been very tired. physically and mentally...but her Spirit is Strong and so she has focused on getting in as good a shape as possible.

Here is a little message from the Woman herself:

    "Thank you all so very much and please know that I love you all very much
and am so grateful for all we have shared and will continue to share as
I get better." Kat.

So...please join me in sending Kat, in your own way of course, nothing but Positive Thoughts and Love.
Kat's Daughter Rue will print this thread out for her Mum and make sure that Kat gets to see it.
"bet", Kat's Sister will no doubt keep us all up to date also. Thank you in advance bet.

I am looking forward to my Dear Friend being in the Pink again (oh and I will be starting another slightly lighter thread later today regarding that very issue and how, if you wish, you can participate in the "ILPFKD Day" (In the Pink for Kat Day).
Kat already knows I will be doing this and has many "In the Pink" things to take along with her to the Hospital Tomorrow.

So here's to You and your beautiful Heart ma Dear Kat.......I am sending you nothing but LOVE..
Pink Candles being lit at 10.00am here in the backwoods of Maine tomorrow.

Onward and upward Darlin. Heal well for there is much ahead for you to do.

Love to all of Kat's Family. You are all in my Thoughts.

Blessings, Light and Love