The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16903 Message #1481590
Posted By: Charley Noble
10-May-05 - 09:27 AM
Thread Name: Indian Neck Memories
Subject: RE: Indian Neck Memories
It's still happening. The music is still the chief priority, although social skills are probably also important. There are no formally schedueled workshops. There was a scheduled sign-up evening concert with full sound system but that was the exception to the general practice of apparent anarchy. One just joined or formed a group and settled down to play or sing wherever one could find space. The food seemed quite good, which may surprise attendees of previous years, and the cabins quite comfortable. There was quite a range of ages present with musical traditions executed (!) from bluegrass, folk, comtemporary, to gospel.
As a newcomer I found it all somewhat confusing but always interesting. I did get more sleep, 6 hours vrs. 3 hours, than I usually get a the Mystic Sea Music Festival. And I did have a good time.
The initation sytem is still a mystery, and is probably still evolving.
Of course, I was firmly convinced it was next weekend until my buddy Barry called me last Friday afternoon, wondering when I was coming to pick him up. I survived the weekend pretty well with what I packed into the van in 15 minutes flat.