The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81053   Message #1481592
Posted By: GUEST,Cats
10-May-05 - 09:33 AM
Thread Name: Fox and Hounds This Weekend
Subject: Fox and Hounds This Weekend
Just an unashamed reminder that we will be singing at the Fox and Hounds, Bridestowe,Devon this weekend. We start on Friday when there's enough people there to start, again on Saturday lunchtime and evening, with a survivors session on Sunday, all in a separate singing room. There is an excellent campsite, hotel rooms, and bunk house covering virtually every type of accommodation you want, an Irish landlord who loves having us there, excellent beer and good home cooked food.   If you want a really laid back weekend, on Dartmoor with some very good singing and no pressure, we'll see you there. pm me for directions.