The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80974   Message #1481805
Posted By: GUEST,perplexed
10-May-05 - 02:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: Now 45,000,002 Uninsured....
Subject: RE: BS: Now 45,000,002 Uninsured....

Let's look at it this way.

If the unemployment number are going down and uninsured numbers are going up then it seems to me by the process of LOGICAL thinking that either taxes are too high for the individual or employers can't offer benefits like once before because the corporate taxes are too high.

That offers another question....why is it that you guys believe that healthcare is a RIGHT? I'll admit that it would be nice if everybody had it but at the expense of everybody else? That is unacceptable. Even the socialistic idea of universal healthcare sounds good on the surface but look at Canada....I read a story a few weeks back about people having to stand in long lines and waiting weeks and weeks to see a doctor and to have tests done. (I will look for the story and link to it if I can) That too, is unacceptable. The last time that I read the Bill of Rights, I didn't see where it was written that anybody should have the right of government healthcare or any healthcare for that matter. So those that do have it should be grateful and those that don't should strive to get it.

"Of course, the current labyrinth of private insurers, each with its own system of codes and categories, etc. has created a huge number of good white-collar jobs that would disappear if and when the process gets streamlined and all that private-sector paperwork gets eliminated."

The above quote was from PoppaGator's post earlier. Your idea of socialized medicine would do nothing but reverse the direction that the country is headed it as far as job creation and growth. What you are supporting is an idea that would do nothing but depress an economy that has seen significant growth in the last four years.

The numbers quoted above puts us at about 14% of the US population that's currently without some type of healthcare. That is a shame. But to tell the other 86% that do have it that some of them may lose their jobs and current coverage in order for the other 14% to have it is taking a huge leap backwards.

Think, people, Think.
