The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80974   Message #1482164
Posted By: Bobert
10-May-05 - 11:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: Now 45,000,002 Uninsured....
Subject: RE: BS: Now 45,000,002 Uninsured....
Yeah, CarolC, the health insurance lobby spends millions and millions of dollars (all extracted from the working class) on PR firms than propagate myths about just how bad health care is in every other developed nation....

Problem is, they are myths and not based on fact... Oh yeah, someone can come in with some "case" example but cases do not tell the collective story....

Bottom line, when I had insurance I would wait a coupke weeks fir tests... I wouold wait to see my doctor...

Face it, if yer a member of the American working class, yer gonna have to wait to get health care no matter how good the insurance...

You think Dick Cheney waits? You think George Bush waits? You think Tom DeLay waits.... That's what I'm talkin' about.... Everyone else waits... Jus like in Canada but atleast in Canada they don't get the double screwin' when the drug companies come looking fir yer wallet...
