The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80974   Message #1482348
Posted By: Bobert
11-May-05 - 07:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Now 45,000,002 Uninsured....
Subject: RE: BS: Now 45,000,002 Uninsured....
Yeah, sure, Doug, during the last 10 years Anthem paid out about $10,000 in claims, mostly perscription drugs... Problem is that I paid them $70,000 during that same period of time... Accordin' to the Wes Ginny Slide Rule Iz out about $60,000 in the deal...

But on a brighter side, the pharmacist at Leesburg Pharmacy, bless his heart, who has been mixin' up this estrogen cream fir the P-Vine for the last couple of years upon discoverin' that we are cancelled just handed her a couple months supply and said "Have a nice day."

And "on a brighter side, part 2" I take aciphex for heartburn and when I told my doctor that I was cancelled she said she'd give me rwo months worth if samples fir free...

Now we ain't giving up but one of P-Vine's friends who has an insursance company says that if we loose the appeal our chances of getting another policy that's worth a danged with another compnay is slim to none...

Welcome to George Bush's America...

And Carol is right, Doug. Had your late wife's insurance company been Anthem you wouldn't have the time to play here in Mudville. You'd be workin' a cash register at Home Depot or collecting shopping carts at the local grocery store... Oh, you think you could get yer old cushy jobs back? Go look in the mirror and think again...
