The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16090   Message #148339
Posted By: Lin in Kansas
11-Dec-99 - 10:09 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Tarrytown / Wild Goose Grasses (Allison)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Tarrytown/Butcher Boy
Oops--meant to add the blurb at the top of the page from Sing Out!:

"Pete Seeger's version of this traditional Hudson Valley ballad was learned from John Allison [Allison wrote it]. It is, quite apparently, a New York variant of "The Butcher Boy," one of the best-known of our traditional folk songs. "The Butcher Boy" in turn has its roots in a variety of British broadside ballads, including "The Squire's Daughter," "A Brisk Young Sailor," and "There Is An Alehouse in Yonder Town" which later developed into "There Is A Tavern in the Town." Pete Seeger's rendition of "Tarrytown" may be heard on his recent Folkways recording, Pete Seeger and Sonny Terry at Carnegie Hall (FA2412)."

Not sure just how recent that recording really is; songs in the book are from 1950 to 1963--