The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81008   Message #1483598
Posted By: bet
12-May-05 - 04:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Katlaughing- Surgery Tomorrow and....
Subject: RE: BS: Katlaughing- Surgery Tomorrow and....
Kat just called me! I was waiting until I thought her afternoon nap might be over before I called her, she beat me to it. She is indeed in her new room. She says it's private, nice and big with a large bathroom and shower. She's been up and about with the physical therapist. Her only complaint was that she is VERY tired!!!!! She asks that you hold off calling her for a few days while she regains her strength. You are all very special to her and she's thinking of you and your warm thoughts throughout this time.
Thanks to all of you for caring so much. Catspaw, that the eduaction on that valuve. I knew so little about them.   bet