The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81145 Message #1483999
Posted By: Beer
13-May-05 - 07:03 AM
Thread Name: Songs about The Potato Famine - Ireland
Subject: RE: Songs about The Potato Famine - Ireland
There is one that comes to mind and I guess you could say by the results of the consequences at that time. A song called "Far From Their Home" by Brendan Nolan. Brendan was born near Dublin and moved to Canada in the late 70's. He now resides in the Tampa Bay area of Flordia. Brendan write most of his material and I have never heard such a tear jerker of a song. I'm sure if you just typed in his name a site would come up with something. Then if you can, buy his tapes/c/d's, you will not be sorry. A truly anazing artist.