The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81145   Message #1484038
Posted By: ejsant
13-May-05 - 08:08 AM
Thread Name: Songs about The Potato Famine - Ireland
Subject: RE: Songs about The Potato Famine - Ireland

I second the opinion about Brendan Nolan, he is a fabulous singer songwriter, performer, and human being, and yes "Far From Their Home" is a brilliant song filled with strong emotion. I believe I have his entire discography and I am not in any way disappointed with any track.

I would think that any song from the middle period of the nineteenth century that spoke of the hardships endured by the Irish could in a round about way be connected to the Famine even if no direct reference to hunger or the blight is present in the song. It seems to me that it wasn't just the failure of the crops but also the way that the starving were treated that encompasses the whole Famine experience. After all if there was no social oppression of the Irish and adequate food was made available from outside Ireland it would not have been such an atrocity.

After a cursory review some songs that turn up in "Irish Emigrant – Ballads and Songs" are;

Amhran Na Braptai Dubha – The Song Of the Black Potatoes
The Blighted Potates
A New Song of the Rotten Potatoes

I am sure with greater effort there are others to be found, some of which have already been mentioned.
