The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81008   Message #1485273
Posted By: Alba
15-May-05 - 07:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Katlaughing- Surgery Tomorrow and....
Subject: RE: BS: Katlaughing- Surgery Tomorrow and....
Another wee update:

Saturday was a bit better for Kat.
She was able to do a bit more up and walking about with the encouragement of the Nurses and I think she is relieved that they didn't send her Home, like, yesterday..that was a worry for her as she felt so weak.
So Tuesday is the Day as her Cardiologist came in a told her so:>)
I think she was also relieved to know that what she was feeling was normal Spaw:>)...great that you talked to her and put her straight there..xx
Kat is still shattered, but thanks to Spaw now 'I' understand the process and I am as worried. All is going exactly as it that is very good news.
Kat is now holding onto the reins tightly and "riding the Elephant:>)"
So...things are going according to plan and I am thankful for that...very thankful.

Kat ma Darlin, your almost over the hump so hold on tight....cause MUCH better days are 'a coming...
Miss Ya and Love Ya and holding you in my Thoughts.
With so many Folks rooting for you and sending their Love....well it a certainty, ain't it Sis.
Will post any news as it becomes available of course.
Blessing to all