The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81080   Message #1485555
Posted By: M.Ted
15-May-05 - 04:14 PM
Thread Name: Fingerpicking Patterns
Subject: RE: Fingerpicking Patterns
It is simple a simple and elegant explanation if you already know how to do it--GUEST--if you can negotiate this stuff already, all you need is a hint as to how a particular bit goes and you get the general drift. It is a completely different game if you are a complete beginner--as to the rhythmic syllables, they are not part of the tab--you can also write the notes out on a musical staff below the tab, which is the same thing--my point is the same--tab alone don't do the job--

As to you, PoppaGator--A sequence of shuffle eight notes in the bass looks the same in tab as a series of straight eights notes--and those treble notes will look the same, too, but they could really be almost anywhere--