The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81053   Message #1486049
Posted By: Hawker
16-May-05 - 12:16 PM
Thread Name: Fox and Hounds This Weekend
Subject: RE: Fox and Hounds This Weekend
Great weekend Kathy,
The walk to the tor was bracing to say the least, The singing at the 'top',though partially lost on the 'breeze' was wonderful and the 2 Hawker duet will take some beating!!!!! OOoooowwlwll! The Lark in the Clear air was sung to a Lark in the clear air, my daughter Amber took pictures to prove it, and was brilliantly sung by Snufy. I agree to a later start time, it would be far more humane! Nice to meet more catters, and I loved that little 'aide memoire' Abuwood. Good to meet Martin from Barton, and wonderful to catch up with old friends not seen since last season! Thanks Kathy & Jon for arranging it, we have to have a 'donkey songs' session at next years do Suggestions.......
The Vicar of Bray? Riding on a donkey, are obvious onces..... and I think the handfasting confirmation would be fantastic.
Hope the awning is salvagable! That wind on Friday night was amazing!
Love to you all and thanks for making it a great weekend
Cheers, Lucy