The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81244   Message #1486321
Posted By: GUEST
16-May-05 - 09:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: Liberal Media getting Soldiers Killed...
Subject: RE: BS: Liberal Media getting Soldiers Killed...
Thanks for the link, brucie. I haven't often seen anything as downright tacky and gauche as the 'Bushfish'. The Christian 'fish' is a small discreet logo; the Bushfish is a monstrous thing,
4" x 8". What is the matter with people!

In Christianity the fish is used as a symbol of the Christ and some people in the Letters section were dismayed at the thought that the promoter was saying that Bush "is the Savior"; so much so that the promoter published a disclaimer disavowing the notion.

Most of the letters they published were equally appalled. But there are some zealots who drool over the Bushfish. One bit of irony tickled my funny bone though. The writer said he likes the Bushfish then added: "Although I think it looks much better if you rotate it 90 degrees counter-clockwise. Because, frankly... it looks just like a bomb with our beloved President's name on it.