The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81244   Message #1486329
Posted By: GUEST,robomatic
16-May-05 - 10:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Liberal Media getting Soldiers Killed...
Subject: RE: BS: Liberal Media getting Soldiers Killed...
I wouldn't put it past some smart businessman to be putting out the "Bushfish" and the "Darwin" lizard and a bunch of other fishes. That's what being an entrepreneur is all about.

I do not classify Newsweek as the "liberal media". It was a blurb in a small story, they had asked the Pentagon to review it before it went to press. Overall, they were imperfect but acted responsibly. They are not responsible for the idiots who go on a rampage at the idlest bidding. Don't forget that dozens if not hundreds died in Nigerian riots when on on-line 'zine made some innocuous comment about the Prophet finding worth in the contestants for a Miss World contest, about a year, year and a half ago.

Getting excited to the point of murderous rage is the same but more extreme animal as getting bent out of shape because some guy on the net wants to sell you a magnetic fish.

With apologies to Pres. Jefferson:
"I tremble for humanity when I reflect that God is just."