The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #44110 Message #1486529
Posted By: GUEST,anon
17-May-05 - 09:25 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Farewell to the Gold (Paul Metsers)
Subject: Lyr Add: FAREWELL TO THE COLD (parody)
Used to sing a parody of the song I wrote waiting for a ferry to France after a "summer" holiday in UK some years back. (Don't think Paul would approve, so I might stay "anon", and if Joe doesn't like that, he is welcome to delete with no recriminations on my part!)
In Dover, we shiver; it's cold and its raining, It's weeks since the sunshine's been seen; No use to just wait here, wet, cold and complaining, Best pack up and try French cuisine.
Farewell to the cold for ever I'm bound; Goodbye to the drizzle as it falls to the ground; It's only when dreaming I see the sun gleaming As it peeps through the clouds all around.
It's nearly six weeks since we left Auckland airport, For a summer in England was bound, To see my old Mother, perhaps a Paul Metsers concert! And to travel the country around.
We drove and we criss-crossed the country all over, The weather we tried to defy. But they were having it better in Ireland, they told us, So we flew over there just to try.
We huddled together for day after day, Trying vainly to keep warm and dry. But a terrible flood nearly washed us away After four stormy weeks in July.
. Just doggerel really, but fun at the time. I think you would have had to be there....that summer was so wet that at every folk club we went to, some one recited "Three ha'pence a foot" with incredible feeling!