The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16004   Message #148655
Posted By: Big Mick
13-Dec-99 - 01:12 AM
Thread Name: FSGW Getaway 2000: October 20-22, 2000
Subject: RE: FSGW Getaway 2000: October 20-22, 2000
I won't need any medicine, I think we have this thing whupped. And, Brother much friggin' singin' do I have to do??????????Didn't we sit up half the night Saturday singin? And Sunday all day??? And I promise not to do more than about a 15 minute intro of my song for the "Music of the Mudcat" workshop next year.

Anna P., if our gal from Oz makes it out to your place, I will make the meal, or at least some of my specialties. Wouldn't that be a hoot??? New Jersey at the end of September and the Getaway three weeks later. Damn, so much good THE FAIR ONE...........Mick