The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80995   Message #1486573
Posted By: Rapparee
17-May-05 - 11:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Livin' with Black Bears Question....
Subject: RE: BS: Livin' with Black Bears Question....
Yeah, but that ain't nothin' to this scar here that I got early one Spring when I was out checkin' out the trap line my Uncle used to run up around Triangle Lake. He'd taken a bit too much the night before, it bein' his Bachelor Party and all. And lemme tell ya, that was SOME party! They brought in the here hootchi-kootchie dance girl that could make her tassels twirl in opposite directions, an' so fast that we thought she was gonna take off. Looked like the engines on a B-25, like we used fly over Germany durin' the Big War. One time we was comin' back from a run over some place along the Rhine with two engines shot up, most of the port wing gone, no vertical rudder, the hydralics shot away, the landing gear gone and the navigator pourin' oil into the system so's the bearings wouldn't freeze. And lemme tell ya, if they froze up, it's be like that time up in Alaska when we were mushing from Eagle City to Dawson and Fred's feet froze so solid that....