The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16137   Message #148660
Posted By: Áine
13-Dec-99 - 01:38 AM
Thread Name: Musical prodigy vs.Hard workers
Subject: RE: Musical prodigy vs.Hard workers
Dear Rick,

As one of those 'prodigy brats' (as my old piano teacher used to call us), I'd have to say that the best music teachers I had were the ones that remained totally UNDERimpressed with whatever ability I had. All I ever wanted to be was challenged -- NOT made to do the baby steps. I was composing my own songs and one teacher of mine was intent that I learn 'Every Good Boy Does Fine'.

The best teachers I had were the ones that said 'Big deal, so you can do THAT. Betcha can't do THIS!' They pissed me off and that was what made me want to stretch beyond what I was capable of then.

Dealing with gifted children can be a real pain in the butt -- I know, I have three gifted children -- and all in totally different areas - Sometimes I think God must be ROTFLHAO at the payback He's given me to deal with! The major adjustment for a teacher has to be the level of challenge you have to give to these kids. And knowing when to say 'You've gone beyond what I can teach you. Let's find someone who can take you to the next level.'

At the same time, they're still kids, and you have to keep your subject fun AND interesting. This is one reason I think that teachers should be earning the salaries that CEOs earn -- teachers really EARN their money!!

So there ya go, that's my two cents on the matter. Take care, Áine