The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #79877   Message #1486848
Posted By: GUEST,Teaser
17-May-05 - 06:13 PM
Thread Name: Folklore: Padstow's Obby Oss
Subject: RE: Folklore: Padstow's Obby Oss
I am not codding you on or even taking the pi~~ when I told you my understanding of the OSS! OSS! WEE OSS! call.
I have been attending the 1st.May at Padstow for the last thirty years at least and as yet have not come accross a more valid explanation but (and there's always a but). I am only an emmet from the Midlands, so what do I know? If there are any Padstonians out there who can verfy my theory or can tell me what they believe to be the true reason I along with Azizi would be only to pleased to know.

Azizi, I do not know where you dwell in this wide world, but if you have even half a chance of getting to Padstow on May Day GET THERE!!