The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81145 Message #1488228
Posted By: GUEST,Statesthethetruthasheseesit
19-May-05 - 12:45 PM
Thread Name: Songs about The Potato Famine - Ireland
Subject: RE: Songs about The Potato Famine - Ireland
""truth" ... is a moron with all the perception and acumen of a straining post. Save your prejudicial bleatings for your National Front brethren and leave the discussion fora to those with something substantial between their ears - Unfortunately in your case I'm afraid it's a case of "The lights are flashing, the bells are ringing, but there's no train on the line" OR alternatively he "has the six-pack but lacks the plastic thingy to hold it all together" OR as we say in Oz - a few snags short of a barbie / a few sandwiches short of a picnic / a few sheep short of a mob / a bit of lamb short of a roast / kangaroos loose in the top paddock - - - anyone getting the picture?????" - The Far from Venerable Muttley.
Was it something I said?
I could carry on with this and parry with his misconceptions, but quite honestly I feel I am banging my head against a brick wall. For the record, I am neither a National Front supporter nor do I have anything against Irishmen. I merely think they do go on a bit about how they have suffered, when, frankly, they havent in comparison with other people. This has been the thrust of my arguement and which Muttley seems to be avoiding. All my attempts to bring him back to what I actually said have failed miserably as he spirals off again and again onto unrelated subjects, and by doing so, helps support what I am saying. The whole Dresden thing is a perfect example. What city in Ireland has suffered like Dresdon-answer: None. I fell with the whole Australia thing, I should take this up, but with people like Muttley, I just know it will spiral onto other things and this could go on and on and on..... there is nothing I can do. It is hopeless really.