The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #66248   Message #1489166
Posted By: Lepus Rex
20-May-05 - 10:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Should I be flattered?
Subject: RE: BS: Should I be flattered?
Have not, harpgirl, and will not. Likewise, I wouldn't deny it if you claimed that I was a woman, a German spy, a dentist, a serial rapist, or an unusually clever penguin named Richard. It's a ridiculous, baseless claim, and I thus feel no need to dignify it with a refutal.

What exactly is it you're trying to accomplish? I mean, the people you're trying to convince with your lies fall in to two main categories: Those who don't give a shit (the vast majority), and those who know you're wrong. You haven't damaged my image, such as it is, and you haven't really even angered me. All you've accomplished so far is to publicly humiliate yourself once again, and to bring me back from the non-posting dead. Was that really what you wanted?

---Lepus Rex