The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16137   Message #148918
Posted By: Ian Stephenson
13-Dec-99 - 05:10 PM
Thread Name: Musical prodigy vs.Hard workers
Subject: RE: Musical prodigy vs.Hard workers
Cool Thread rick. Nice intro!

I've had a lot of bad experience with guitar teachers playing stuff "by the book", but the latest bightmare I had was "electric and acoustic popular guitar" lessons. I was told he was in with the folk scene, and, granted, he could play a one row melodeon, but he'd never played folk on the guitar, or jazz.
So I went to his lessons being really posative waiting for him to prove me wrong.....tick tock....dong....time up
By the forth lesson my lessons consisted of half an hour of him showing me a jazz chord and asking me to name exactly what chord name it was. He got his kicks not from the fact that he taught me anything, but that if I got a bit wrong So he was a bad teacher for me.

The wierdest experience I've ever had actually teaching guitar was when I was a guest guitar teacher for a friends school folk band and I had to take seven 13 year old boys out of the room on my own, and show them some cool techniques to get them into the rythm of it all and start to explore a little. One lad was asking some strange remarks, ie. "I don't want to be a musician...theres no money in it,....why do YOU want to be a..." and other really strange questions.
so I got back to my friends house, and she is asking me how it went, I say "great...,hey, that johnny is a bit of a character, isn't he!"
And with that she went into a stream about how he always misbehaves etc. and was he giving me trouble etc., and before I can say a word shes walking about mumbling to herself.
The next week I hear that she has banned him altogether from the folk band due to misbehaviour at my workshop.....OH DEAR.. I think me has been an excuse to get rid of him? I still felt REALLY GUILTY!
Cheers all,