The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81259   Message #1489599
Posted By: GUEST
20-May-05 - 06:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Re the Mudcat
Subject: RE: BS: Re the Mudcat
Right brucie. Which begs the question, why do those who love Mudcat feel they have a right to complain about those of us expressing an opinion which disagrees with theirs?

It isn't like loving Mudcat is a prerequisite to visiting and using the site any way a person wants to use it. So why draw the battle lines? People disagree about the value of the website, and some people use the website differently than others.

So why is it so important that you "win"? Why is it so important to you that EVERYONE feel the same way you or Azizi or Ebbie feels about it?

Trying to impose a unanimous consensus about something so arbitrary, ambiguous, and subjective is really kinda stupid, don't you think?