The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81275 Message #1489893
Posted By: Rasener
21-May-05 - 05:20 AM
Thread Name: Cyril Tawney at Market Rasen FC 20/5/05
Subject: RE: Cyril Tawney at Market Rasen FC 20/5/05
I would like to thank everybody that came to the event last night. The artists did me proud, so I would like to offer them a very special thankyou for giving up their time to make it such a lovely evening. I am just about to send the cheque (£160)to Rosemary!!!!!!
I thought the accoustics were excellent in the hall, which really makes me enthusiastic about running the club at Faldingworth.
I don't know what people thought about not having a bar and bringing their own. I personnally thought that it helped with the sound (not so noisy).
Napper and Bliss at Gainsborough FC next Friday - looking forward to that.
And so onto the next night at Market Rasen Folk Club - Friday June the 17th with Spotlight Guest Winter Wilson Support Artists CARA, Stitherum, Phil Brougham, Gwenda and Terry